Wednesday, September 4, 2013




Reading device 
Made of a typewriter and elements of a sewing and reproduction machine
Arduino source code

 * SN74HC165N_shift_reg
 * Program to shift in the bit values from a SN74HC165N 8-bit
 * parallel-in/serial-out shift register.
 * This sketch demonstrates reading in 16 digital states from a
 * pair of daisy-chained SN74HC165N shift registers while using
 * only 4 digital pins on the Arduino.
 * You can daisy-chain these chips by connecting the serial-out
 * (Q7 pin) on one shift register to the serial-in (Ds pin) of
 * the other.
 * Of course you can daisy chain as many as you like while still
 * using only 4 Arduino pins (though you would have to process
 * them 4 at a time into separate unsigned long variables).

/* How many shift register chips are daisy-chained.

/* Width of data (how many ext lines).

/* Width of pulse to trigger the shift register to read and latch.
#define PULSE_WIDTH_USEC   5

/* Optional delay between shift register reads.
#define POLL_DELAY_MSEC   1

/* You will need to change the "int" to "long" If the
 * NUMBER_OF_SHIFT_CHIPS is higher than 2.
#define BYTES_VAL_T unsigned long

int ploadPin        = 8;  // Connects to Parallel load pin the 165 WIT
int clockEnablePin  = 9;  // Connects to Clock Enable pin the 165 - NIET GEBRUIKT, LIGT AAN AARDE
int dataPin         = 11; // Connects to the Q7 pin the 165 ORANJE
int clockPin        = 12; // Connects to the Clock pin the 165 GEEL

BYTES_VAL_T pinValues;
BYTES_VAL_T oldPinValues;
BYTES_VAL_T pinValues2;
BYTES_VAL_T oldPinValues2;

/* This function is essentially a "shift-in" routine reading the
 * serial Data from the shift register chips and representing
 * the state of those pins in an unsigned integer (or long).

BYTES_VAL_T read_shift_regs(int offset=0)
    unsigned long bitVal;
    BYTES_VAL_T bytesVal = 0;

    /* Trigger a parallel Load to latch the state of the data lines,
    digitalWrite(clockEnablePin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ploadPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ploadPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(clockEnablePin, LOW);

    /* Loop to read each bit value from the serial out line
     * of the SN74HC165N.
    for(int i = 0; i < DATA_WIDTH-offset; i++)
        bitVal = digitalRead(dataPin);

        // Set the corresponding bit in bytesVal.
        bytesVal |= (bitVal << ((DATA_WIDTH-1-offset) - i));

        // Pulse the Clock (rising edge shifts the next bit).
        digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);

void display_pin_values_short()
    uint16_t xlow = pinValues & 0xffff;
    uint16_t xhigh = (pinValues >> 16); 
    uint8_t chip1 = xlow & 0xff;
    uint8_t chip2 = (xlow >> 8); 
    uint8_t chip3 = xhigh & 0xff;
    uint8_t chip4 = (xhigh >> 8); 
    uint16_t bank_low = pinValues2 & 0xffff;
    uint16_t bank_high = (pinValues2 >> 16); 
    uint8_t chip5 = bank_low & 0xff;
    uint8_t chip6 = (bank_low >> 8); 
//    Serial.print("/values1 ");
//    Serial.println(pinValues,BIN);
//    Serial.print("/values2 ");
//    Serial.println(pinValues2);
    Serial.print("/chip1 ");
    Serial.print("/chip2 ");
    Serial.print("/chip3 ");
    Serial.print("/chip4 ");
    Serial.print("/chip5 ");
    Serial.print("/chip6 ");

void setup()

    // Initialize our digital pins...

    pinMode(ploadPin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(clockEnablePin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(dataPin, INPUT);

    digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ploadPin, HIGH);

    // Read in and display the pin states at startup.
    pinValues = read_shift_regs();
    pinValues2 = read_shift_regs(32);
    oldPinValues = pinValues;
    oldPinValues2 = pinValues2;

void loop()
    // Read the state of all zones.

    pinValues = read_shift_regs();
    pinValues2 = read_shift_regs(32);

    //If there was a chage in state, display which ones changed.
    if(pinValues != oldPinValues || pinValues2 != oldPinValues2)
        oldPinValues = pinValues;
        oldPinValues2 = pinValues2;


Special thanks to Corneel Canters, David Lamain and Jan Klug

New top domestication

The explanation and the philosophy behind the domestication of technology, and how I apply it to the interpretator,
I will describe this in my blog in October.

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