Sunday, October 20, 2013

Artificial environment

Some dreams are beautiful, but sometimes in society hard to realize.
The dream to life abroad in a remote area, where a self-sustaining life is necessary is far from realistic at this moment, I'm fully enclosed in the dutch society, everywhere, and in the most things I do, there are rules to follow and money to spend. Although society gives a lot security, like by paying health insurance to have the possibility of all possible health-care that you can imagine and until now it's also almost impossible to have no basic income, thats means a roof above your head. But if you look at the bureaucratic part you need almost for every little thing approval from a government institution. This can be a nine to five job, off course I exaggerate, but if you start to think about it, it will consume a lot of energy.     

Sometimes there is the will to create your own world, a world for yourself. It can be mentally but also putting it to practice can be a way to relieve yourself from all remaining thoughts.

In a way I always have been interested in nature, the big diversity of vegetation, bird, mammal and insect life, the seasons, the cycle of life, how things grow, change and renew.
Why a stable ecology is so important, what the human interaction can cause in a positive and negative sense  
I'm fascinated by the painting of  Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights.
The outer wings, when folded, show a painting of the earth during the biblical narrative of Creation.
Despite the presence of vegetation, the earth does not yet contain human or animal life, indicating that the scene represents the events of the biblical Third Day

In an attempt to create an artificial environment, i would like to refer to The Garden of Earthly Delights.
A world with presence of vegetation, no animals or human life.
Creating the vision of those who thought and claim centuries ago that the earth was flat.
The Hebrew cosmology pictured a flat earth, over which was a dome-shaped firmament, supported above the earth by mountains, and surrounded by waters.
I believe that this thought was important for the church, because of the idea that the earth was the center of the universe also known in astronomy, as the geocentric model or the Ptolemaic system.
A description of the cosmos where Earth is at the orbital center of all celestial bodies.

Persectives of Anaximander's universe

An artificial environment is an environment that has been created with the intention
of being separated from any real-world environment for some purpose, such as experimentation.

                          one of the first sketches, an  artificial environment as center of the universe

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